Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is only for information collected through our website ( and not to any information or details you may provide to third-party websites and services to which this website may link.

We strongly recommend you to read our Privacy Policy carefully in order to have a clear understanding of how we collect data, what data we collect, the use of data collected, and protection or handling of the data of visitors to this website (

What information do we collect? 

Any Anonymous piece of information such as web pages visited, browsers used (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.), devices used (PC, phone, tablet), referring sites, the number of website visitors, etc. are made accessible to us by various analytics tools.

If you use any social media platform such as Facebook and Twitter, they may know that you have visited our website.

We do not accept payments or sell goods/services on our website( Hence, we do not collect any personal information such as your name, email address, postal address, phone numbers, payment information, and other details.

Email Privacy

If you want to contact us, you will need to provide your name and email address so that we can respond to you.

We don't make any effort to collect, maintain, or protect email and do not use this information for any marketing purposes, and will never share this information with any third party.

Measuring Website Visitors:

We use the "Google Analytic tool" to measure visitors' behavior to this website anonymously.

"Google Analytic tool" provides us with information such as the pages you visited, from where you arrived(linked) to our site, period of time spent on specific web pages, and other such anonymized and non-personally-identifying information - so we don't really know who you are.

Having access to such information through the Google Analytics tool helps us analyze the types of content visitors like on our website, how people arrive at our website, and how long they stay on our website. 

Like all other websites, we use these pieces of information to improve our website by providing better content which visitors prefer to like. You can learn more about or opt-out of Google Analytics if you wish.

Use of Cookies:

We use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisement. By allowing advertisers to place relevant ads on our website, we are able to provide our readers with high-quality free content. These advertisers typically use cookies to make advertising more effective and relevant to users.

Advertisers/sellers may collect information to measure and monitor their advertising campaigns and may have their own privacy policies.

We don't have any control over cookies placed by the advertisers and we are not responsible or liable in any way for the collection and use of information by such advertisers/vendors.

If you don't want cookies, you can also disable cookies in your web browser. But you may not be able to use or experience the full functionality of this website and advertisers will not be able to serve you with contextual advertisements.

Third-Party Links and Advertisement:

We occasionally provide or offer products links of various third-party sellers while reviewing them on our website. 

When you leave this website either by clicking on the links or advertisements on this website, you are solely governed by the privacy policies of the websites on which you land.

External websites may use cookies to track visitor behavior, measure the effectiveness of their advertising programs, and for other purposes.

We recommend you to check the privacy policies of those external websites and interact with them only if you find them reputable and you are satisfied with their privacy policies.

Children's information:

This website ( is not directed at children under the age of sixteen. If you are under the age of sixteen, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this website.

If we find that we have received any personal information from a child under the age of 13, we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records as soon as possible.

Privacy Policy Changes:

There may be some changes to this Privacy Policy in the future. Therefore, we recommend you to check this page frequently for any changes to its Privacy Policy.

Your continuous use of this website after we make any change to its privacy policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

If you have any question with reference to this privacy policy feel free to contact us at

with special regards,

AKV Tech Tips